What Can Your Real Estate Agent Do For You?

Sure, you’ve heard it all before. You can do the research yourself when buying or renting a home, so why bother to hire a real estate agent? Yet, real estate is truly not all that simple and consider this:

Your place of living is so hugely important. It’s where you want to feel safe. It’s where you want to eat, sleep and do just about every vital thing in your life. Why would you scrimp on such a crucial factor in your life?

The right real estate broker can do a lot for you as you do your homesearch whether you’re looking to buy a home, sell a home or both. Truly, you should feel as if you can trust your real estate broker, especially if you’re a 1st time home buyer, to guide you through the process, pick the best listings for you, keep you abreast of potential issues, and navigate offers and contracts. To leave that all on your own shoulders is rather stressful, unless you also happen to be in real estate and are aware of how to rock MLS listings!

If you don’t though, leave your homesearch in the hands of a professional. You wouldn’t yank out your own tooth or perform your own surgery, right? So why not go to a pro to get the home of your dreams or get the offer of your dreams?

Here are some things the right realtor can do for you:

More Than Just MLS Listings Research

A great realtor can do so many things for you beyond just searching for properties. When you’re doing your research on choosing a realtor for you, ask the prospects what they do when they list or show properties, then compare it to this list and see if their words and credentials match up!

1- Prospecting:

A good realtor will take time to drive around and see new listings or properties he or she has heard will be up on the market soon!

2- Pitching:

A sharp realtor is constantly gathering with other realtors to pitch his or her properties to get the word out, as well as listen in on other realtors’ soon-to-be listings to find the perfect listings for his or her clients. A good realtor will constantly network with other realtors—constantly!

3- Property Shopping:

They don’t just look at the pretty pictures! Good realtors spend time every day researching properties online.  From reviewing flood zones or hunting down for particular properties for difficult clients, a good real estate agent always does his or her daily research!

4- Proper Marketing:

From online to offline, the right realtor is a master marketer!

5- Peaceful Clients:

You want to know a good realtor? It’s the one that gives you emotional support while buying or selling a home. It’s the one that manages any drama between you and a seller or you and a buyer. It’s the one that is in many ways, your BFF during this stressful time.

6- Punctually Attending Those Inspections

They’re there for inspections—each time. They know what to look for ahead of time, and they spot problems before you even arrive at this point…usually, but not always!

7- Pros With Contracts

When it comes to contracts and regulations, a top realtor knows his or her stuff and is going to make this as easy as possible for you.

If you meet a realtor that you believe meets these expectations—and they should all be expectations, not extras—what are you waiting for? You’ve found a winner!