Top Producers Mercer County NJ

Selling Your Home This Spring? Here Are 7 Tips to Make Your Home Stand Out!

Here in Mercer County, the first sign of spring isn’t crocuses sprouting up through sidewalks or flocks of birds chirping merrily in the morning. The first sign of spring, is, quite literally, signs. The kind that say “For Sale” and tend to pop up on lawns all over town, usually with a number to call Selling Your Home This Spring? Here Are 7 Tips to Make Your Home Stand Out!

Remembering 9/11

On a beautiful Tuesday morning, 14 years ago, one of the most tragic occurrences happened here in the United States. American Airlines Boeing 767 crashed into the north tower of the World Trade Center located in New York City. The planes huge impact left a burning hole near the 80th floor of the 110 story skyscraper Remembering 9/11